Message from the Director

Welcome to the Alberta Institute, Wenzhou Medical University. This joint institute reflects a history of collaboration between our institutions—a partnership of mutual respect and hard work that has already yielded successful outcomes in research and learning for students and faculty. We are honoured to take our work together one step forward, with a dedicated institution to house new and exciting initiatives of international medical education and specialized training.

In a rapidly changing world with new challenges that continue to arise in health care, sharing our knowledge and combining our strengths will be essential to keep our populations healthy and thriving. Our mission to serve our communities transcends borders. Together we can prepare highly skilled learners and physicians for leadership and innovation, benefiting populations across the globe.

This is a crucial time for making significant contributions to train our future doctors. A solid foundation of medical knowledge and breadth of perspectives will help inform future decisions and new pathways in health. I look forward to leading this institute as we build a brighter future with more opportunities for cooperation and growth.

Tracey Hillier, MD, CCFP, FRCPC
FoMD Director