Excellence in Leadership

The University of Alberta is committed to providing an environment where faculty, staff and students can excel and flourish. In recognition of the critical importance of the quality of the work and learning environment, and the impact this has on the academic experience, the Excellence in Leadership Award has been established. The award is intended to recognize outstanding leaders or leadership teams for their awareness of and attention to issues and concerns that impact the quality of the work and learning environment.


Nominees must be performing a leadership role (e.g., College Dean, Dean, Director, Chair or Manager) for a period of at least 12 consecutive months. Leadership teams must be composed primarily of individuals at these levels.


Any faculty or staff member can nominate an eligible colleague or leadership team. The nomination must be supported by at least two additional faculty or staff members. Nominations for the award will be accepted March 1 through June 30.


A maximum of two awards will be presented annually. Presentations to recipients will be made annually at the Celebration of Service.


In order for a leader or leadership team to be considered by the selection committee, the nominator must demonstrate how the nominee meets and exceeds the following criteria. Please keep responses to each of the criteria to 350 to 400 words each. Nominators may also submit any appropriate supporting documentation.

The selection committee is looking to gain an understanding of who the nominee is through the nomination. Successful submissions will be chosen from those nominations that articulate how the nominee meets and exceeds the criteria through examples and personal stories.

  • How has the nominee(s) exhibited a commitment to the university’s strategic plan, policies and practices that support a healthy and safe work and learning environment?
  • Please illustrate how the nominee(s) demonstrates innovation and creativity in providing opportunities to support a healthy and supportive workplace culture.
  • How does the nominee(s) foster a culturally and psychologically safe team environment?
  • By what means does the nominee(s) exhibit proactive and transformational leadership?
  • Describe how the nominee(s) demonstrates the importance of fostering relationships outside of the college, faculty, department or work unit and across the university campuses.

Process + Submission

Nominations must be received by June 30. This includes a completed Google form nomination, as well as attached letters of support, appreciation or recognition from other members of the community. Nominations for the awards will be reviewed by a selection committee chaired by Human Resources, Health, Safety and Environment. Candidates will be formally recognized for their contributions at the Celebration of Service in the fall.

Nomination Form