Training + Events

As a graduate student at the University of Alberta, you have access to a range of professional development events, workshops and conferences.

These offerings are designed to advance your research and prepare you for your career by helping you communicate effectively, compile a teaching portfolio, learn more about research ethics and cultivate a creative mindset.

People in a meeting

GTL Program Level 1 : Foundations

August 19 - 29 | Online

Workshops to help you develop your teaching skills and become an effective TA.

Register in CampusBRIDGE More info


Programming, registration and tracking are available in campusBRIDGE. Please check out this guide to familiarize yourself with how to use this tool.

Teaching & Learning

Develop post-secondary teaching skills.


Gain valuable approaches to inspire and lead others.

Career Development

Workshops led in association with the U of A Career Centre.

Community Engagement

Develop creative approaches to engage meaningfully with the community.

Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Build your research journey into something innovative and impactful.

Knowledge Translation

Learn to make your research accessible to wider audiences.

Indigenous Knowledge

Learning experiences for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who identify as First Nations, Metis, or Inuit.

Events & Awards

GPS features other professional development and awards opportunties for graduate students & postdocs in this space

Asynchronous Workshops

Please check with your program to ensure these training options will be accepted towards PD credit hours.


Questions regarding GPS events & workshops can be directed to:

The GPS Professional Development Team
Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies 