97. Residence Requirements for Undergraduate Programs

Note from the University Secretariat: The Post-Secondary Learning Act gives GFC responsibility, subject to the authority of the Board of Governors, over "academic affairs" (section 26(1)). GFC has thus enacted a policy on Residence Requirements for undergraduate programs, as set out below.

The complete wording of the section(s) of the Post-Secondary Learning Act, as referred to above, and any other related sections, should be checked in any instance where formal jurisdiction or delegation needs to be determined.

On September 28, 1987, General Faculties Council endorsed the following:

A student proceeding towards a first (bachelor's) degree is expected to complete at least half of the credits required through courses offered by the University of Alberta (either "on" or "off" campus in winter, spring or summer sessions). Normally, at least half of these "University of Alberta" courses will be taken as the final courses in the program. Credits obtained by special assessment at the University of Alberta may be included in the count of courses used to satisfy the residency requirements. (See Credit by Special Assessment, Section

Students should consult their Faculty's section of the calendar in order to become familiar with any faculty specific regulations relating to limits on transfer credits, course load requirements or time limits for completion of degrees. (See also Transfer of Credit, Section

  1. That for undergraduate programs, the requirements related to "residency" normally be stated in the following terms:
    1. Students are normally expected to complete at least half of the credits required through courses offered by the University of Alberta (either "on" or "off-campus" in winter, spring or summer sessions).
    2. Normally at least half of these "University of Alberta" courses will be courses taken as the final courses in the program.
    3. Credits obtained by special assessment at the University of Alberta will be considered to be University of Alberta courses for the purposes of 1.a above.
      Attached from the Registrar is a Calendar statement reflecting this policy.
  2. That where Departments and Faculties wish to establish residence requirements (ie, requirements which must routinely be met by all students in the program) different from the above (in either direction), that they obtain approval for such exceptions from ADC and that such approvals be reviewed every five years. (Exceptions approved by ADC should be filed with the Executive Committee for information.)
  3. That where Deans or Department Chairs wish to make exceptions to the above policy for individual students that they continue to do so as a matter of individual discretion. However:
    1. where individual students believe that they have been disadvantaged by such a rule, they can appeal this ruling through a Faculty-level appeals process. The Faculty decision is final and binding; there is no further appeal.
    2. Each year Faculties must report to the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) the number of students for whom exceptions have been made under this clause. Where the number of students for whom an exception has been made rises above 5% of the students in that program the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) will refer the matter to ADC for further review with the academic unit concerned.
  4. That the penultimate sentence in the current Calendar/Glossary definition of "Domicile" be deleted.
  5. Transfer of credit for students being considered or admission to the University of Alberta is discussed in Section 14.2.3 [of the University Calendar]. Under certain circumstances, students registered in a degree program at the University of Alberta may be permitted to take courses at another recognized postsecondary institution for application to their program at the University of Alberta. Normally, this is accomplished by participating in a formal exchange program or by registering as a Visiting Student at the other institution. To be considered for such transfer credit, students must:
    1. Receive permission in advance from their home Faculty;
    2. Be in good standing in their ongoing degree program;
    3. Not have exceeded the maximum amount of transfer credit allowed by the Faculty.

Transfer credit is normally awarded only for approved courses in which a grade of 4.0 (or its equivalent) is achieved. Credit for such courses will be considered on a credit-fail basis only and will not normally be included in any grade point average calculation; Faculties may have other requirements. Students should consult the section of this Calendar for their home Faculty. (See also Section 11.5 of the GFC Policy Manual).(EXEC 01 DEC 1998)

For credit without attendance see ADVANCED PLACEMENT, Section 11

Residence requirements in Non-Thesis Master's Programs -- see Graduate Studies and Research Faculty, Section 63

Residence requirements in quota Faculties - see Enrolment Management, Section 50

(GFC 28 SEP 1987)
(EXEC 01 DEC 1998)