Two students discussing classwork on a laptop

the student experience action plan in action

As we focus on implementing the SEAP, we will be reporting on our progress implementing the goals and actions identified in the plan through stories and annual reports. Further assessment and refinement of the themes, goals and actions are planned with ongoing engagement of university community members to continue to identify and validate the key focus and drivers of successful student experiences.

the student experience action plan in action

As we focus on implementing the SEAP, we will be reporting on our progress implementing the goals and actions identified in the plan through stories and annual reports. Further assessment and refinement of the themes, goals and actions are planned with ongoing engagement of university community members to continue to identify and validate the key focus and drivers of successful student experiences.

Theme 1: Creating Safe, Accessible and Connected Campuses

Theme 1: Creating Safe, Accessible and Connected Campuses

Theme 1: Creating Safe, Accessible and Connected Campuses





Goal 1.0: Work to eliminate discriminatory barriers to create accessible and responsive environments where all students can meaningfully participate.


Develop a mechanism to identify and remove discriminatory barriers from all  U of A learning environments.

Improve the student accommodation process by embedding the idea of mutual and collaborative responsibility across all levels of the organization.


Invested $720,000 to renovate three Tory Lecture Halls in the summer of 2024 to improve the accessibility and size of the space for more students.

Initiated the Accessibility Enhancement Project to streamline processes, systems and technology that underlie the provision of Accessibility and Accommodation services at the U of A.

Improve the student accommodation process by embedding the idea of mutual and collaborative responsibility across all levels of the organization.

Initiated the Accessibility Enhancement Project to streamline processes, systems and technology that underlie the provision of Accessibility and Accommodation services at the U of A.


Goal 2.0: Support learning and participation for all students by maintaining consistent care, cleanliness and renovation of buildings, furniture and outdoor spaces prioritizing accessibility, sustainability and functionality.


Increase the awareness and availability of flexible spaces that students can use to meet their various needs (e.g., lactation spaces, practice their faith, etc.).

Seek new institutional funding to raise the University's Association of Physical Plant Administrators (APPA) standard of cleanliness from level 4 to level 3 or higher (across the board) by 2025.


Piloted a funding initiative ( Prayer, Worship & Ceremony Space Support Grant) to support students in accessing bookable spaces to engage in prayer, worship or ceremony to facilitate an equitable student experience.

Increased cleaning standards in learning spaces and common areas for the winter 2024 term.
Corresponding news article: Increasing cleaning standards in learning spaces and common areas for the winter 2024 term

Seek new institutional funding to raise the University's Association of Physical Plant Administrators (APPA) standard of cleanliness from level 4 to level 3 or higher (across the board) by 2025.

Increased cleaning standards in learning spaces and common areas for the winter 2024 term.
Increasing cleaning standards in learning spaces and common areas for the winter 2024 term

Theme 2: Demonstrating Transparency and Affordability

Theme 2: Demonstrating Transparency and Affordability

Theme 2: Demonstrating Transparency and Affordability





Goal 5.0: Continue to practice responsible and effective stewardship of financial resources across the university in ways that prioritize student success.


Develop and take actions to increase the affordability of class materials, including aiming to increase textbook affordability by having 35% of courses and class sections use the Zero Textbook Cost initiative by 2026.

Make financial literacy support and programming available to all students.


Established the ZTCup Award to demonstrate appreciation for instructors who work to make higher education more affordable for all. Winter 2024 saw the highest number of Zero Textbook Cost class sections, accounting for 32.8% across the U of A.
Celebrating progress in textbook affordability

Created the Finances, Funding and Support webpage which includes financial assistance, money advice and related support for U of A students.

On April 17, 2024, the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS) Council voted to endorse Minimum Guaranteed Funding of $100K CAD over four years and not less than $25K CAD in year one for current and new doctoral students beginning in Fall 2025.

Make financial literacy support and programming available to all students.

Created the Finances, Funding and Support webpage which includes financial assistance, money advice and related support for U of A students.

Ensure the ongoing review of budgets to find ways to optimize the cost of student tuition and fees.

On April 17, 2024, the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS) Council voted to endorse Minimum Guaranteed Funding of $100K CAD over four years and not less than $25K CAD in year one for current and new doctoral students beginning in Fall 2025.

Theme 3: Enabling Academic Agency and Flexibility

Theme 3: Enabling Academic Agency and Flexibility

Theme 3: Enabling Academic Agency and Flexibility





Goal 6.0: Encourage students with proactive, holistic advising to facilitate their academic journey and pursuit of individual goals.


Implement a tool (“My Schedule Builder”) that will support students to more easily build class schedules that align with program requirements and balance their co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.


Launched My Schedule Builder to support the class registration process in Bear Tracks to help students easily build and customize their schedule.
Six things you need to know about My Schedule Builder


Goal 8.0: Support and increase students' agency to design and direct their learning by providing various academic programming and scheduling options within a responsive learning environment.


Establish shared definitions to distinguish the various delivery modes for online learning, empowering students to make informed scheduling decisions.

Implement a renewed learning management system (LMS) to support on-campus and online learning.


Shared definitions to distinguish the various delivery modes for online learning via the Course Listings and Class Schedules webpage.

Moved to a new LMS to shape a modern teaching and learning experience while supporting the changing needs of our institution. 
Corresponding news article: Canvas selected as the University of Alberta’s next Learning Management System

Implement a renewed learning management system (LMS) to support on-campus and online learning.

Moved to a new LMS to shape a modern teaching and learning experience while supporting the changing needs of our institution. 
Canvas selected as the University of Alberta’s next Learning Management System

Theme 4: Fostering a Student-Centred Learning Environment

Theme 5: Prioritizing Student Success

Theme 4: Fostering a Student-Centred Learning Environment





Goal 9.0: Celebrate a student-centred culture that listens to students as members of the community and prioritizes exceptional student experiences at all levels of the university.


Strive to maximize diverse student participation, feedback and experiences in all programs, services and initiatives that impact students.


Highlighted the option in our recruitment process of having a student participate in interviews for student-facing roles.

Theme 5: Prioritizing Student Success

Theme 5: Prioritizing Student Success

Theme 5: Prioritizing Student Success





Goal 11.0: Commit to a culture that is informed by different types of student experience data that guides decisions and ongoing improvements to student programs, services and resources.


Engage in integrated enrolment planning to develop a roadmap that thoughtfully considers and guides how student programs and services are scaled to respond to the enrolment growth targets of 60,000 students by 2033.


Initiated the Integrated Enrolment Growth Plan project to seek broad engagement, provide strategic coordination and ensure that growth is aligned with the university’s mission and organizational capacity.


Goal 12.0: Nurture a learning environment that uplifts, cares for and empowers students and considers their unique context and needs where balance, health and well-being are prioritized.


Invest in Counselling and Clinical Services to enhance access for all students by increasing the number of clinicians along with the adoption of a new stepped care model.

Implement a renewed learning management system (LMS) to support on-campus and online learning.


Added eight additional clinicians to Counselling & Clinical Services, growing their capacity from 14 to 22 clinicians to enhance access for students.
What you need to know about upcoming changes at Counselling and Clinical Services

Theme 6: Relationships, connection and belonging matter

Theme 6: Relationships, connection and belonging matter

Theme 6: Relationships, connection and belonging matter





Goal 16.0: Develop welcoming services, facilities and engaging events that create a sense of enjoyment on campus, where students can interact, build meaningful relationships and foster a close-knit and lively on-campus community.


Goal 16.2: Explore ways to address the transportation gap for students travelling between Camrose and Edmonton.


Launched a free bus service available between Augustana Campus in Camrose and North Campus in Edmonton through a project led by the U of A Students’ Union (UASU) with support from the U of A Deputy Provost (Students and Enrolment)'s Office, the Augustana Dean’s Office and the Augustana Students' Association.

Students hanging out and studying in Quad
Students hanging out and studying in Quad

We want to hear from you

The Student Experience Action Plan was developed with valued input from U of A students, staff and faculty. We invite you to join our conversations, share your feedback and submit your questions as we continue this journey together.

Connect with us