
The value and integrity of University of Alberta academic credentials, as well as research and other scholarly and professional activities, rests on academic integrity and the fundamental values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility and courage in every aspect of academic and scholarly activities.

The university is defined by tradition as a community of people dedicated to the advancement of knowledge, and as a place where there is freedom to teach, engage in research, create, learn, study, speak, associate, write and publish. In addition to these freedoms, the enduring value of university life, the degrees and other credentials the university confers, and the university’s reputation for academic and scholarly excellence depend upon trusted teaching and research relationships and, therefore, upon the honesty and integrity of those engaged in academic and scholarly activities. People with diverse interests and cultures from all over the world and from all walks of life are part of the University of Alberta community and learning environment. The university is a shared space for diverse scholarship, research, and learning communities. 

The university's faculty, staff, and students live, work, explore, teach, and learn alongside each other; those differences are part of the backbone of the institution that gives it strength and supports its central mission. What each individual does affects the other members of our community and everyone must be accountable for their actions.

Student Academic Integrity Policy