Certificate in Translation Studies in Japanese
The Certificate in Translation Studies in Japanese equips students with Japanese language skills and emphasizes cultural literacy.
This certificate allows students to develop skills related to Japanese language and culture, enabling them to embark on careers that require cultural expertise such as working in government organizations, foreign trade, business abroad, and tourism. By completing the Certificate in Translation Studies in Japanese students demonstrate a specialization in translation and therefore will be prepared to pursue future training in a translation profession upon graduation to become full-fledged translators, if desired.
This certificate is available to all undergraduate students at the University of Alberta. An Undergraduate Advisor in the Department of East Asian Studies can provide guidance about the level of Japanese language skills required for the courses in this certificate.
To complete the certificate, students must complete the following:
- MLCS 300: Introduction to Translation
- MLCS 400: The History of Translation
- JAPAN 402: Advanced Japanese II
- JAPAN 429: Japanese-English Translation
- JAPAN 439: Practical Translation
Additionally, 3 credits must be completed from:
- EASIA 211: Overview of the Japanese Language
- EASIA 315: Introduction to Japanese Linguistics
Program Contact
For more information, please contact an Undergraduate Advisor for the Department of East Asian Studies at easiaug@ualberta.ca
Get Started
Complete this enrolment form to get started with the Certificate in Japanese Translation Studies.