Certificate in Language Documentation + Revitalization (CLaDR)

The Certificate in Language Documentation and Revitalization (CLaDR) is an embedded undergraduate certificate intended for students who have a dedicated interest in linguistic diversity, social justice, and Indigenous and other minority populations across the world.


By completing this certificate students will develop a specific understanding of language including: language loss, language maintenance, and methods for documenting endangered languages as well as reversing language shifts. Completing this certificate will equip students with knowledge and skills needed to work with Indigenous communities and organizations on projects and work related to language documentation and revitalization.


This certificate is available to all undergraduate students at the University of Alberta who have completed the following prerequisite courses:

  • LING 101: Introduction to Linguistic Analysis (3 credits)
  • LING 204: Syntax of the World’s Languages (3 credits)
  • LING 205: Phonetics (3 credits)


To be awarded the certificate, students must complete 18 credits from the following:

Required courses (complete 12 credits):

  • LING 224: Endangered Languages
  • LING 361: Language Revitalization
  • LING 362: Language Documentation
  • LING 460: Practicum in Language Documentation and Revitalization

Select courses (complete 3 credits):

  • LING 360: Indigenous Languages of the Americas
  • LING 363: Lexicography

Select courses (complete 3 credits):

  • Any 300- or 400-level LING course
  • ANTHR 301: Introduction to Ethnographic Methods
  • NS 152: Introductory Cree
  • NS 355: Indigenous Knowledge and Oral Traditions
  • NS 390: Research Methods in Indigenous Studies

Learn more information about the requirements for the Certificate in Language Documentation and Revitalization »

Program Contact

For more information, please contact an Undergraduate Advisor for the Department of Linguistics at lingugr@ualberta.ca

Get Started

Complete this enrolment form to get started with the Certificate in Language Documentation and Revitalization.