Certificate in International Learning (CIL)

The Certificate in International Learning is an embedded undergraduate certificate that recognizes students who have developed international knowledge and skills throughout their studies.


Completing this certificate requires students to take courses with a focus on intercultural content and participate in an international or cross-cultural experience that offers an opportunity to interact with people across cultures. Ultimately, the certificate equips students with greater intercultural awareness, helping them to navigate responsibilities and future endeavours as citizens of the world.


  • Undergraduate full-time and part-time students who are active in any U of A degree program, in any faculty
  • Exchange students or students studying temporarily at U of A are not eligible


  • Students in undergraduate professional programs are encouraged to consult their faculty advisors before enrolling
  • Students who were in open studies and are now accepted into a degree program, or for students who are in an after-degree program, all CIL-approved courses completed in open studies or their initial undergraduate degree will be accepted.


To be awarded the certificate, students must complete the following:

  • 12 credits in approved courses, from at least two different disciplines. Students are encouraged to focus on courses with intercultural content to explore a culture other than their own.
  • One of the following intercultural experiences:
    • Study, work or volunteer abroad (minimum 6 weeks duration)
    • Internship with an agency working in a cross-cultural environment (minimum 100 hours duration) OR
    • Living in International House for an academic year
  • Two of the following:
    • Participate in co-curricular activities (e.g., those organized by UAI Global Education Program or other international or intercultural focused organizations)
    • Demonstrate second language skills by completing 6 credits (two courses) in university-level Language other than English courses (this requirement will be waived for students who have completed their entire secondary education in a language other than English)
    • Completion of the UAI Global Education or other recognized workshops or a university credit course in intercultural communications
  • Participation in the introductory and closing workshops facilitated by the Certificate Coordinator. Students will present their capstone integrative reflection project at the closing workshop.

Learn more about the above requirements, CIL approved courses, CIL orientation and other necessary information »

Program Contact

For more information, please contact cil@ualberta.ca

Get Started

Complete this enrolment form to get started with the Certificate in International Learning.