Certificate in Interdisciplinary Leadership Studies (CILS)
The Certificate in Interdisciplinary Leadership Studies is an embedded undergraduate certificate that allows students to forge leadership skills and competencies.
By completing this certificate students will also have access to outstanding mentorship by individuals with proven leadership qualities in local, national and international communities.
This certificate is available to all undergraduate students at the University of Alberta.
To be awarded the certificate, students must complete the following:
- INT D 101 - Inspired to Dream: Becoming a Leader (3 credits)
- Indigenous Perspectives co-requisite: U of A Indigenous Canada MOOC (provide certificate of completion) or NS 201 - Indigenous Canada: Looking Forward/Looking Back (3 credits) or completion of Aboriginal Studies 30 (provide a high school transcript)
- INT D 207 - Inspired to Lead: Skills You Need or 1 course (3 credits) at the 200-level from the the pre-approved list of elective courses endorsed by the PLLC
- INT D 307 - Inspired to Lead: Your Leadership Canvas or 1 course (3 credits) at the 300-level from the pre-approved list of elective courses endorsed by the PLLC
- INT D 407 - Inspire to Lead: Time to Practice or a course (3 credits) from the pre-approved list of capstone courses endorsed by the PLLC at the 400-level
Program Contact
For more information, please contact pllc@ualberta.ca
Get Started
Enrol now to get started with the Certificate of Interdisciplinary Leadership Studies.