Certificate in Computer Game Development

The Certificate in Computer Game Development is an embedded undergraduate certificate facilitated collaboratively between the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Science.


Students will develop a broad understanding of all aspects of computer game development and apply their learned skills in a capstone project. The certificate will complement students’ discipline-specific studies and offer opportunities for multidisciplinary teamwork as they build small and medium-scale games to completion and interact with the computer game industry.


This certificate is available to all undergraduate students at the University of Alberta. There are no prerequisites to pursue the certificate, although individual courses may have departmental prerequisites.


To be awarded the certificate, students must complete 18 credits (6 courses) as follows:

Learn more about the Certificate in Computer Game Development curriculum »

Program Contact

For more information, please contact mediatech@ualberta.ca.

Get Started

Complete this enrolment form to get started with the Certificate in Computer Game Development.