Artificial Intelligence Everywhere Certificate

The Artificial Intelligence Everywhere Certificate is an embedded undergraduate certificate that embraces the multidisciplinary reach of AI within our current society and allows students to explore its uses.


Students will learn the basics of computer programming and machine learning as well as enrich their knowledge of how artificial intelligence is used, and applied, in various subject areas and practical domains.


Any undergraduate student at the University of Alberta is eligible to complete this certificate with the exception of students in the Bachelor of Science program with a Major or Honors subject area in Computing Science.


To be awarded the certificate, students must complete a minimum of 15 credits from the following:

Required courses:

  • INT D 161: Artificial Intelligence Everywhere
  • INT D 461: Artificial Intelligence Everywhere Capstone

Additional elective courses:

Learn more information about the specific requirements for the Artificial Intelligence Everywhere Certificate »

Program Contact

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Get Started

Students can begin by scheduling the courses into their program. To be awarded the certificate, students must apply through Bear Tracks with their application to graduate by the application deadline for convocation.