New to the U: Faculty Teaching Orientation

Teaching Excellence Begins Here.

New to the U: Faculty Teaching Orientation

At the University of Alberta, we strive to “prepare students to be creative, collaborative, and confident global citizens” (Shape: A Strategic Plan of Impact, 2023).

Whether you are an experienced faculty member who has just joined the U of A or are new to teaching, New to the U: Faculty Teaching Orientation is designed to welcome you to the university as a valued faculty member and set you on the path to success in your teaching journey.

In this orientation, you will learn how the U of A is working to create an environment where students can engage in transformative learning experiences and will be introduced to the resources, support systems, and opportunities available to you as you join our teaching and learning community.

New to the U offers you the experience of:

  • Engaging with U of A’s senior leaders about institutional teaching and learning-focused initiatives.
  • Preparing to teach and build relationships with the U of A students of today.
  • Learning about campus-wide resources that support teaching and learning.
  • Getting started in the U of A's Learning Management System (LMS).
  • Building connections with fellow new faculty members from across the university.
  • Developing an awareness of professional development opportunities.

Eligibility and Registration

New to the U is designed for new faculty members, academic teaching staff (career track), and faculty service officers.

Planning is underway to support the unique needs and teaching context of U of A’s academic teaching staff. Watch the academic digest and CTL's newsletter to learn about the ATS teaching orientation.


Schedule and location

New to the U is a one-day, in-person and cohort-based program.

Fall offering: 
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. | Lunch will be provided 
Edmonton Clinic Health Academy (ECHA) 2-131

Time MDT Session
9 - 9:30 a.m.

Opening Prayer
Elder Evelyn Day

Bill Flanagan, President and Vice-Chancellor

9:30 - 10:30 a.m.

Learning at the University of Alberta
Faculty often have their favourite professor from their student days who inspired them and who, intentionally or not, they emulate in the classroom. While this works for some students, today's undergraduate and graduate students come from diverse backgrounds, and their learning needs have altered with our changing times. Who are your U of A students? Drawing on data gathered in 2023-2024 and insights from the Student Experience Action Plan, this session will build your understanding of students at the University of Alberta, giving you critical insight into the students who choose the U of A as their place of learning.

10:30 - 10:45 a.m.

Coffee Break and networking

10:45 - 11:45 a.m.

Teaching at the University of Alberta
Exciting changes have been afoot at the U of A over the last few years. We have articulated our goals and commitments through the U of A strategic and action plans that shape teaching and learning initiatives, including Artificial Intelligence, multifaceted evaluation of teaching, a new Learning Management System, and Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility. In this session, institutional leaders will share their vision of teaching and learning at the University of Alberta, and you will have an opportunity to ask questions to deepen your understanding of the teaching and learning context at the U of A. By the end of the hour, you will better understand how you can contribute to our shared goals in creating transformative student learning experiences and know where to go to read more about recent and established teaching policies and procedures.

11:45 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Lunching with your teaching support team
Knowing who you can turn to for teaching support is essential in your first days, weeks, and terms at the U of A. In this session, you will meet just a few people ready to support you in your teaching journey:

  • Teaching and learning experts at the Centre for Teaching and Learning who are ready to support you in all aspects of your teaching practice through services and programming.
  • Librarians who support instructors through services and programming.
  • Wellness Support staff who guide instructors in managing students’ mental health and well-being concerns.
  • Education technology professionals who help instructors create engaging and interactive learning environments in the U of A Learning Management System (LMS).

Following introductions, you will have the opportunity to engage with your teaching support team over lunch.

1 p.m. - 1:50 p.m.

U of A’s Learning Management System*
Whether you are getting set up in the LMS for the first time or have questions about particular aspects of instructional design and functionality, this session will connect you with the information you need and the people you need to meet to create a compelling and accessible course site that fosters a student-centered learning environment.

*Please bring your device for the LMS session.

2 p.m. - 2:50 p.m.

Round table conversations with the Teaching Award Winners
U of A is home to exceptional educators who exemplify teaching innovation and commitment to creating impactful and inclusive learning experiences for our students. In this session, U of A’s Teaching Award Winners will share words of advice they have (or wisdom they have received from others that were helpful to them) about teaching in 2024, this moment in time and growth at the U of A. The Teaching Award Winners will then engage in round-table discussions to answer your questions about teaching at the U of A.

3 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.

Faculty first steps: Starting strong in your new role
Facilitators: Organizational Development, Human Resources, Health, Safety and Environment

This session covers the onboarding checklist, the professional development resources provided by HRHSE's ODTM team, and available HR services. Discover the importance of integrating into the broader University community and finding your unique place and role within it.

3:45 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.


August Teaching institute

New to the U participants are strongly encouraged to attend the August Teaching Institute (August 14–15). This two-day program complements New to the U by providing you with evidence-based teaching strategies and hands-on activities where you will begin to develop teaching-focused skills and techniques before taking them back to your teaching context. More information about these sessions will soon be available on the CTL website and through the university’s communication channels.