BDA Executive

The Business Doctoral Association includes an Executive Council formed by PhD Students elected from the 5 specializations within the PhD program. These positions are:

  • President: Natalie Bolen (Marketing)
    • The President is responsible for the overall operation of the BDA. They act as the primary point of contact between the BDA Executive Team, the PhD Office, the School of Business and external organizations. They also sit on various committees as the PhD student representative.
  • VP Governance & Finance: Janice Yan (Finance)
    • The VP of Governance & Finance oversees the maintenance of the BDA Constitution and the creation and management of the BDA budgets and accounts. They are also responsible for maintaining the meeting minutes and BDA archives, and acting as chair if the President cannot do so.
  • VP Communications & Operations: Usama Malik (Finance representing OIS)
    • The VP of Communications & Operations oversees the management of PhD student spaces within the School of Business, including the hotelling system in the study room and the "Fishbowl".  They also ensure that spaces are effectively maintained and manage the BDA's different communication channels with its members.
  • VP Advocacy: Nancy Wang (Accounting)
    • The VP of Advocacy ensures that doctoral students' interests, concerns, and positions are taken into account given the university's many administrative and structural changes. This position liaises with the VP Communications & Operations to collect and share pertinent information between various governing groups (Alberta School of Business, GPS, GSA, etc.) and the doctoral students, and works with BDA executives on multiple initiatives to meet the needs of business doctoral students. 
  • VP Careers: Samira Jafari (SEM)
    • The VP of Careers tends to the academic and professional aspects of the PhD experience. They are responsible for organizing and promoting career development activities that assist students in exploring various career paths, preparing for the job market, and developing core competencies that can be applied to different career paths.
  • VP Community Building: Samira Jafari (SEM)
    • The VP of Community Building reinvigorates the sense of professional identity and belongingness among business doctoral students. They provide opportunities for Business PhD students to communicate with colleagues and other student organizations within the School of Business. Additionally, this role seeks to provide an intimate environment for incoming students to feel like the School is their second home.


updated June 7, 2024