Celebrating the graduates of Spring 2020: Cody Good

Join us in meeting some of the amazing graduates of Spring 2020, and celebrate convocation with them on June 12.

News Staff - 7 June 2020

On June 12, join the University of Alberta and Faculty of Science community as we celebrate our first-ever online convocation, recognizing the culmination of our graduates’ hard work. As the celebration approaches, meet Cody Good, graduating with a BSc Specialization in geophysics from the Department of Physics, and hear about his experience on campus and as a member of the Science Mentor Program.

What led you to pick the University of Alberta for your studies?

I was born and raised in Edmonton so I was fortunate to have a high-ranking university in my home city. I chose the University of Alberta to pursue my undergraduate degree at a respected university and stay close to family and friends—it allowed me to get the best of both worlds throughout my university experience.

Tell us about your experience in the Faculty of Science.

My time in the Faculty of Science was very rewarding, I was a Science Mentor as well as a recurring executive for the University of Alberta Geophysics Undergraduate Society. Through these opportunities within the Faculty I met some amazing people and gained great experience! I believe the knowledge gained from my degree coupled with the extracurricular activities available to me have prepared me well for life after university.

What is one of your favourite memories from your time at UAlberta?

My favourite experience as a UAlberta student was the opportunity to travel internationally to different geophysics conferences. There I was able to attend technical talks as well as meet and network with students and members of industry from across the world. Most importantly, I continue to be good friends with both the fellow UAlberta students and people I met from different geophysics programs across the globe.

What advice do you have for current and future students at the Faculty of Science?

Getting involved in different student groups across campus made all the difference for me in university. What really made my time as a university student meaningful was the relationships fostered and experiences gained by getting involved in the community. My advice will always be to join a club or society that interests you—it provides an avenue for professional and personal growth that you can't get by just going to class.

How have you spent your time during COVID-19 distancing?

I've tried to make the best of what is a terrible time in the world by taking the time to reset and find constructive uses for my time. With all the extra time, I've spent it reading books I've been meaning to read and trying out new recipes to cook.

How do you plan on celebrating convocation?

I'm hoping to spend time with my family and friends who gave me support along the way to finishing my degree. It was a long road and the support network I had made a huge impact on my time as a university student.

What's next after graduation?

I am fortunate to still have a summer internship lined up to start in June. Following that, I am hoping to explore different options for graduate school and, when possible, travel.