GSAP and U-Pass Continuation — Upcoming Referenda

Read this important message from the Vice-President Student Services about your vote to continue the U-Pass and the Graduate Student Assistance Program (GSAP).

9 February 2021

Sent on behalf of Sridhar Parasharamatham, GSA VP Student Services

Dear fellow graduate students,

As you are likely aware, as a graduate student, you have the opportunity to speak on not one, but two essential GSA services in 2021. During the course of the 2021 GSA General Election, there will be two referenda questions put before graduate students: one about the Graduate Student Assistance Program (GSAP) and another about the U-Pass program. These “Yes” or “No” questions ask graduate students to vote on the continuation of each respective program under a specific set of conditions (cost, term of agreement, etc.) as outlined by each question. These services were both originally established by referendum and their continuation is dependent on the outcome of these current votes. You can learn more about the referenda process here.

Voting “Yes” on either of the two referenda means that you support the continuation of the programs under the negotiated terms, including (for example) the fee associated with that service and the length of the agreement. In contrast, voting “No” on either of the two referenda means that you do not support the continuation of the programs and/or disagree with some aspect of the terms of the negotiated agreement and would mean the discontinuation of that program, likely effective Fall 2021 until, if possible, additional negotiations can be undertaken.

To read this statement in full.