CHS Community Profile: Alex Marshall
25 October 2023

Alex Marshall (she/her), College of Health Sciences, Strategic Initiatives Officer, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
How do you describe your work to those who don’t work in your field?
As the EDI (Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) Strategic Initiatives Officer, my role is to advocate for, develop and implement strategies that champion a culture of inclusivity and equity throughout our college.
What excites you about your career?
Every day I’ll have the privilege to be at the forefront of shaping the policies and initiatives that foster inclusivity and equality within the College of Health Sciences. With the collaboration of our faculty, students and staff, I’m excited to make sure everyone feels seen, celebrated and ready to make their mark!
What’s one thing you can’t live without?
My Kobo ereader! I read pretty fast, so I always like to have a good selection of books to start when I finish the one I’m on.
How do you create a culture of care with your colleagues?
When it comes to students, faculty and staff, my approach to creating a community of care is built on genuine empathy and active listening. I want to be both a resource and an ally, ensuring that everyone knows they have a dedicated advocate in their corner. By organizing workshops, feedback sessions and EDI initiatives, I hope to address concerns and proactively create an atmosphere where inclusivity is the norm.
What’s your favourite distraction?
Badminton! I had surgery at the end of August, so sadly, I haven’t been able to play for some time. However, I’m looking forward to my return to the court.
If you were enrolling in one course, program or degree within the College of Health Sciences right now, what would it be?
It’s hard to choose! For a program or degree, it would probably be something in the School of Public Health. I feel like the last few years have been very worrying when it comes to the rise of misinformation and disinformation, and while I face that regularly in my EDI work, another avenue we see is in the arena of public health. If I had to choose one course, however, it would probably be MDGEN 403 - Principles of Medical Genetics. I have always loved biology and genetics in particular, so this would be such a fun course to take!