Lili Mou selected as a 2021 AAAI New Faculty Highlights Speaker
4 February 2022

Lili Mou, assistant professor with the Department of Computing Science, is interested in deep learning applied to natural language processing as well as programming language processing. Photo credit: John Ulan
Lili Mou is a selected participant in the AAAI New Faculty Highlights program. From the AAAI-21 conference website: "This year, AAAI launched a new invited speaker program highlighting AI researchers who have just begun careers as new faculty members or the equivalent in industry. Applications were adjudicated by a committee consisting of the AAAI-21 chairs and a diverse group of AAAI Fellows."
Participants have also submitted a prerecorded video, which broadly survey the candidate's research to date. See Lili's video, "Sampling and Search Approaches to Unsupervised Text Generation", here.
From the AAAI website: "Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) (formerly the American Association for Artificial Intelligence) is a nonprofit scientific society devoted to advancing the scientific understanding of the mechanisms underlying thought and intelligent behavior and their embodiment in machines. AAAI aims to promote research in, and responsible use of, artificial intelligence. AAAI also aims to increase public understanding of artificial intelligence, improve the teaching and training of AI practitioners, and provide guidance for research planners and funders concerning the importance and potential of current AI developments and future directions."
Read more on the AAAI conference website here!